The iconic picture returns, refreshed, for primo photo ops.
The elevator is to be the first part of the Flyer to come out of the truck.
Packed Tightly
Building the railroad to bring out the Flyer.
Building the railroad platform
The final destination for the Flyer.
Wall is down, ready to move in the Flyer.
A peek inside.
Refurbished roof!
Aerial view.
Here she comes!
The flyer moves from an 18 wheeler back into the visitor center.
On the railroad!
A view from above as the Flyer is almost back in the building.
A few more feet...
Inside, now for the turn.
Facing north-the direction of the First Flight was northeast.
Getting it right!
Now to add the rudder and elevator.
The hardest part is done!
Now to install the permanent wall/window.
A few peeks of new exhibits.
Home and Family.
Staged and ready for installation.
The wind tunnel has moved back from Archives.