The Soaring 100
The turn-out for the temporary postal station on October 21st, including a commemorative centennial postmark, exceeded expectations to the extent that the U. S. Postal Service extended the “service window” on site at Jockey’s Ridge to accommodate the increased demand.
The commemorative postmark was part of an event within an event. On October 21st Jockey’s Ridge State Park was designated a National Landmark of Soaring. The plaque recognizing this designation was sponsored by the National Soaring Museum.
NASA’s “Driven to Explore” exhibit drew thousands to Jockey’s Ridge. This outdoor exhibit included a moon rock that everyone could touch. A MILE HIGH THANKS to the Friends of Jockey’s Ridge who provided 24-hour/overnight security for the exhibit.

“The Secret Experiments of the Wright Brothers”
1911 Popular Mechanics article regarding Orville’s glider flight
So many extravagant stories have been printed concerning the interesting experiments with a new glider, which the Wright brothers have been making of late at Kill Devil Hils, N.C., that Popular Mechanics sent an acknowledged authority on aviation to North Carolina to write an accurate and complete description of the machine and of results secured, together with an expert analysis of the technical significance of the work. View the entire article with lots of great images by clicking on the link below.