April Aviation Highlights

April 6, 1912   Harriet Quimby is the first woman to fly across the English Channel. April 39, 1917 Pacific Aero Products changes its name to Boeing Aircraft Co.  President-William E. Boeing April 20, 1930 Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh set a transcontinental speed...
Our State

Our State

The Wrights of North Carolina!  Yes, we claim the brothers as our own North Carolinians.  Only one facet of the “friendlier” rivalry with the state of Ohio.  The feature article of this issue of Our State magazine recounts how the Wrights’ time in...

The Sculpture

The sculpture was a gift to the centennial and Wright legacy by the state of North Carolina. Sculptor, Stephen H. Smith Wright Brothers First Flight Centennial Memorial Commissioned by the State of North Carolina to celebrate the centennial Anniversary of flight...