Wrights World Debut

Wrights World Debut

This day, August 8, 1908, as today in 2020, was a Saturday.  On this day, August 8, 1908, Wilbur Wright flew at the Les Hunaudieres Race Course in Le Mans, France, his first of nine flights over the next few days. And as we say in 2020, the crowd went wild. Wilbur...
National Parks amidst COVID 19

National Parks amidst COVID 19

A word from our Outer Banks National Parks. The Foundation appreciates this measure to address federal and state guidelines and provide access to outdoor areas of our national parks. From: Barber, Michael C (Michael_Barber@nps.gov) on behalf of CAHA Public Affairs,...
Innovators of Aviation Showcase

Innovators of Aviation Showcase

Innovators of Aviation Showcase On December 14th and 15th see history come to life at the Innovators of Aviation Showcase. Watch replicas of the Lilienthal Biplane and 1902 Wright Gliders soar side-by-side over the sand dunes of Jockey’s Ridge State Park in Nags...
Richard “Dick” Howard Passing

Richard “Dick” Howard Passing

There are no words to express our sorrow for the passing of Dick Howard.  He championed the Foundation’s creation, the 2003 First Flight Centennial-Event of the Century, and the continuing work of the Foundation.  As you read this memorial, you will see that he...