by Karen Warlitner | Aug 7, 2018 | Announcements
Wright Brothers National Memorial Visitor Center, designated a National Historic Landmark in 2001, will welcome visitors October 20, 2018, as it re-opens after a two year rehabilitation and a delay from the original September re-opening date due to closing and...
by Karen Warlitner | Jun 18, 2018 | Announcements
There was quite a sight today (June 18, 2018) in Raleigh, NC, at the NC Museum of History as the 1903 Wright Flyer moved out and the 1902 Wright Glider moved into the museum. The museum graciously hosted and displayed the 1903 Wright Flyer from the Wright Brothers...
by Karen Warlitner | Jun 18, 2018 | Announcements
Renovations continue at Wright Brothers National Memorial. The visitor center/museum will re-open fall 2018. In addition to the facility rehabilitation, the exhibits will be anew-new exhibits and interpretive materials including tactile, interactive, and...
by Karen Warlitner | Dec 13, 2017 | Announcements
The First on the First! December 1st, First Friday in Downtown Raleigh, our own Night at the Museum, Darrell Collins shared two First Flight programs. Collins shared the Wright story and the North Carolina Aviation story and made paper airplanes with 2,200 North...
by Karen Warlitner | Nov 29, 2017 | Announcements
The 114th Commemoration of the First Flight- Sunday, December 17, 2017. Event Details and Schedule Location: The Tent south of the Wright Brothers National Memorial Visitor Center (closed for renovation). All fees are waived for the day. Park Hours 8:00-5:00 pm. The...
by Karen Warlitner | Nov 19, 2017 | Announcements
Orville Wright, joined by his family, attend the dedication of the monument to himself and Wilbur. November 19, 1932. Tell me more!