The story of First Flight and the Story of the Wright Brothers are not the same. The story of First Flight is a chapter of the Wright Brothers story which is much more than aviation. From the Wrights we learn lessons on life, self, family, business, and character.
In the loss of Darrell Collins we lose one of the masters of storytelling. No one made the story of the Wright Brothers and First Flight come a live like Darrell. From the beginning he had you spellbound. As one of top 5 aviation historians and top 3 Wright Brothers historians in the world, he was a much sought after speaker. Years after he retired from the National Park Service, visitors would come to the desk sharing that they had been there years before (10, 15, 20 …) and share that “this guy” gave a program that made them cry. “This guy” was amazing. “This guy” gave a program on the Wright Brothers that I’ve never forgotten-I’ve brought my family with me to hear him. Darrell traveled the country delivering “the story”.
It is easy to say he touched tens of thousands over the years.
The story of the Wright Brothers is itself one of their legacy of greatness. That story continues. With Darrell’s passing, we have lost a legacy of greatness that is now replaced by legacy of a love for a man whose touch on our lives and our community, NC history, and aviation endures.
Darrell at the First Flight 120 ft 12 seconds marker at Wright Brothers National Memorial. Filming the History Channel, The UnXplained with William Shatner. Genius Episode.