AOPA Fly-Ins 2016

Always a great time!  Fly. Volunteer.  Meet/Greet/Mingle.  And Don’t Forget the Pancakes! May 21st   Michael J Smith Field (KMRH)    Beaufort, NC Aug. 20th Bremerton National Airport (KPWT)  Bremerton, WA Sept. 17th WK Kellogg Airport (KBTL) Battle Creek, MI...

January Aviation Milestone

Igor Sikorsky’s Sikorsky R-4 took its first flight January 13, 1942.  This American two-place helicopter had a single, three blade main rotor powered by a radial engine.  Originally, this was the Vought-Sikorsky VS-300. Once modified, it became the world’s...

December Aviation History

December marks numerous aviation milestones. December 1892-The Wright brothers open their first bicycle shop. December 8, 1903-Samuel P. Langley’s Aerodrome, piloted by Charles Manley, crashes into the Potomac River. December 17, 1903-The Wright Flyer takes off...